Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day 67--Avocado

We're having a potluck at work tomorrow, and I wanted to bring something I could make quickly and easily. So guacamole seemed like a good idea. And that meant I got to buy some avocados, cut 'em in half, and take a picture that sort of, kind of, looks like the cover of Pearl Jam's most recent studio album.

It's not a bad album. Not my favorite, but it holds up well. And it took awhile to grow on me. For awhile, actually, I was close to flat-out not liking it at all.

All of this is an excuse, I think, for me to reprint one of my all-time favorite conversations, which I had with my friend Karl one evening. Please enjoy.

Me: I don't really like the new Pearl Jam album.

Karl: Do you have something against avocados?

Me: Oh no, I've got nothing against them. It's the music I don't care for. I'm the biggest advocate of avocados there is.

Karl: So that would be a...

Me: An avocadvocate.


1 comment:

smoore said...

Or, (adding in cadaver):

