Monday, June 30, 2008

Day 128--Cuuuuute

Sometimes it's just too easy.


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 127--Head Wires

It's such a mess behind my TV!

Special guest appearance by a Guitar Hero controller.


Day 126--Arf Arf

I almost came home with this today. Some amount of better sense seems to have prevailed.

This time.


Day 125--Boutonniere

Prom? Wedding?

I can't remember. At this point they all look the same. I'm surprised they've held up as long as they have. The newest is almost five years old, and, if I still have it, the oldest is almost ten.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day 124--Wizard Rock

Alex of the Remus Lupins.

Good show.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 123--Night Moves 2


I think it came out pretty cool.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day 122--Christian the Magician

The incomparable Christian the Magician performed today at Cliff Cave to a whole mess of kids. 60? 70? I dunno, there were a ton of them.

What this picture doesn't show, unfortunately, is that he was moving in slow motion with the them from 'Chariots of Fire' playing in the background. But believe you me, it was funny.


Monday, June 23, 2008

Day 121--The Flickering Flame

Gas powered space heater = life-saver when your power goes out during the middle of winter.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Day 120--More Clouds

Sometimes you can wander around all day looking for something to shoot, and then the clouds do something cool like this and it winds up being an easy decision.


Day 119--Front and Center

Weddings equal fun centerpieces. These were no exception, and the light-up thingy inside was a nice touch.

Yeah, I could have actually taken a picture of the wedding itself, but I felt like being an observer/guest for a change.

So it was either this or a picture of a name tag. Your call.


Friday, June 20, 2008

Day 118--The Time is...

Think of this as a sequel to my earlier picture of the clock. In all honesty, I think the clock looks far more interesting than the digital alarm clock. But I do like the way the numbers appear to be floating out in the middle of space.



Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 117--Watch Out for Snakes!

Thankfully, I didn't see any serpentines on my walk.

I'm glad the sign was there, though, to alert me to such possibilities.


Day 116--Yay Books

They might have been hamming it up for the camera a bit, but that's alright. At least they weren't hiding from me.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day 115--Boldy Going

What does it say for my dorkiness that I keep my Star Trek Christmas ornaments out all year?


Monday, June 16, 2008

Day 114--Noted

I had to write myself a note today (because otherwise I'd never get anything done), and the only items handy were this napkin and a sharpie.

I don't normally write that way. I guess I was trying to write quickly to keep the ink from bleeding through or something.


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Day 113--Poly-Mascot Foamalate

I know styrofoam isn't good for the environment and all, but I just love the alien landscape look that it has.


Day 112--Don't Bug Me, Man

Hey, the first lightning bug of the year!

I guess that means summer is nigh upon us, eh?


Friday, June 13, 2008

Day 111--Night Moves

Just managed to sneak this one in tonight!


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day 110--'Scuse Me

Something over my shoulder, perhaps?


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day 109--Leif Enger

We have a lot of authors roll through town. About 90% wind up in our wonderful, fluorescent-lit, brown walled, plastic chaired auditorium. Another 8% or so make their way into the main reading room which is a little better. The remaining few, however, are lucky enough to be in the author's nook, which features Actual Daylight™. And those make for far more interesting events. And less green to deal with.

Is this a practical shot?

Probably not, but it sure looks cool.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Day 108--Sunset

Not very dramatic as these things go, but I like the peacefulness of it all.


Monday, June 9, 2008

Day 107--A Taproot Orange

Title blatantly stolen from Good Eats.

I planted carrots last summer, and while they didn't die, they never really grew to what I would consider usable. So I left them in the ground, and figured they'd die off during the winter.

Well, they just never went away. And here we are, one year later, and they seem to be doing alright. Sort of. The greens are doing great, but the actual root hasn't gotten much bigger than what you see in the picture. So I'm not sure what the deal is. Nor do I know if they actually taste any good. I've yet to try one, since I'd like to see if they could actually grow.

If not? Well, maybe I'll just pickle 'em.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Day 106--Barclay, Day 2

Ringing the bell after crossing the plate. I forget this guy's name, but he played for the Cincinnati Red Stockings.

And I'm too tired to say much of anything else.


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Day 105--Barclay, Day 1

The Perfectos hosted the fifth annual Shepard Barclay Tournament this weekend. Today was the first day, and there were.....well, a lot of games. I lost track at some point. But I took a lot of pictures, so choosing only one was a bit tricky.

This shot features members of the St. Louis Unions--from left: Bear, Mayhem, and Knapsack. The gentleman to the far right might be Huckleberry, but I can't tell for sure.

The tournament, such as it is (no one actually wins the whole thing), continues tomorrow, so expect another shot from that.


Friday, June 6, 2008

Day 104--Dino O'Dell

Two days, two SRC programs. I could get to liking this.

There was a pretty decent storm in the midst of today's performance by Dino O'Dell, and the tornado sirens went off. To keep everyone safe, we went down to the basement here at HQ until all was clear. Dino brought his guitar along and kept up the show in the hallway, which was pretty cool, even if the lighting was atrocious.

He also played a little bit of 'Free Bird' for me, making it the first time I've actually had any success with that request. Maybe I'll stop while I'm ahead.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 103--Color Me Impressed

June means one thing to me at work--Summer Reading Club programs. So expect a lot of those over the next month or so. Today I went to PC for their annual mural coloring program. A staff member there draws out a big mural based on whatever the SRC theme happens to be (bugs this year). Then the kids come in and color color and color some more until all is filled in. After that it gets hung in the branch for all to see.

This is, I believe, the tenth year they've done in. Apparently all the old ones are in storage. i think it would be really cool to see them all hanging in a gallery somewhere. I should work on that.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day 102--Learning to Fly

I assume this is a young bird. It didn't seem to scared of me, and it hopped around more than it flew. Plus the feathers don't seem fully formed. But I have no idea as to what kind of bird this is.

Anyone out there know?


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Day 101--Stay Focused!

Back in school, I thought about doing a project about how the world looked to those of us who needed glasses. I stopped the thought when it seemed like I would be simply taking pictures that were out of focus.

But this shot seems to indicate that I might have been able to pull it off. If my point and shoot can produce something like this, just think what a more professional model could do.

I consider my really really bad vision something of a badge of honor. I love showing just how close I have to be to something for it to make any sense. I've had glasses for so long now, that I'm not sure I could do something like lasik. Waking up in the middle of the night and actually being able to see? What fun is that?


Monday, June 2, 2008

Day 100--Brush brush brush

Wow, day 100. Pretty weird to think I've been doing this that long already. Seems like I just started. I suppose this isn't a very exciting image for such an occasion, but I forgot to bring my camera with me today to work, and by the time I got home, it was getting a little too dark to head out for anything interesting.

And, really, this is kinda cool, in its own weird way.

Here be the answers for Mystery Week. I think mum had the most correct answers (in reverse order), so she wins the grand prize, which is an autographed copy of the yet-to-be-released hardcover book, A Picture Daily.

-the viewfinder of my Nikon FA
-lei from a Hawaiian themed party
-red pepper
-guitar amp
-light bulb
-tower of blank CDs


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Day 99--In Sight, it Must be Right

Mystery week is at its end, fellow readers. I hope it was as interesting for you as it was for me.

I'll post answers tomorrow, though it looks like most of them were guessed along the way.

Bonus points to anyone who can name the establishment that uses the slogan in the subject.


Day 98--Lay it On Me

I was at a party tonight.

'nuff said.
