Monday, February 23, 2009

Day 366-And to Cap it Off...

And.....we're done? Really? How about that. There were times when it seemed like the year* was flying by, and, closer to the end, when it seemed like time was just dragging. But on the whole, it does seem like a quick year.

I had debated if I was going to do something "themed" to the last post, or just shoot whatever I wanted. This is, I suppose, a good compromise for the two sides in my head. Most of those caps were collected by The Brother, though I have added a few of my own along the way.

So now that I'm done, what can I say? I don't know if I picked up any fancy new skills or techniques along the way, but I'd like to think I improved on the approaches I've already acquired. I certainly found that the ordinary--the stuff we see everyday--has a lot to offer, if we just take a moment to look at it. The theme weeks were fun, and a nice way to stretch myself a bit.

So what's next? Well, I'm taking a month off. It'll be weird tomorrow, not having to take a picture. But I'm going to pick up some new gear in the next few weeks, and start a new project in April. I think you'll enjoy it. As soon as it's going, there will, of course, be a website for it. I just bought some new software, so I plan on updating my actual website. And, this isn't the last huzzah for this project, so there's always Phase II.

Lastly, thanks to everyone who stopped by, left comments, or gave me your thoughts otherwise. I hope it was as interesting for you as it was for me. This site will remain up, so feel free to pop in and look around.

That's all I got.


*it was, of course, a leap year last year, so I opted to include the extra day.


Anonymous said...

It's been a great year. You gave me a good reason the get on the computer every day. Never knew what I was going to find.

smoore said...

hey! i know those beers! i know them in the biblical sense! at least, insofar as "the biblical sense" means "i drank them."

that's...what it means, right?

congratulations on finishing your 365things365days project + 1thing1day bonus feature (for the dvd, i assume). yes!


Anonymous said...

What they said.

It was a very cool project.

Looking forward to Phase Next.

-- Pop

Anonymous said...

it's been interesting, and sometimes amazing ~ thanks for the 'show' ~ and speaking of which, when (not if) you get one downtown, i wanna know!


Doc Ginger said...

i'm proud of you.
good job.