Monday, September 29, 2008

Day 219--Light & Shadow pt. 2

It was overcast almost all day today, except for about an hour or so when the fun cut through the clouds just enough to cast some nice shadows.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Day 218--Light & Shadow pt. 1

I think I'm overdue for another theme week.

In no less than three of my photography classes our first assignment was called "Light and Shadow." And I suppose, since photography hinges upon light, that it was a good place to start. It's interesting to see how it interacts with whatever is around, and how the shadows vary based on the light.

Etc. etc.

So expect stuff like that this week.


Day 217--Don't Come Around Here No More

One of the nice things about shooting weddings (especially small weddings) is the ever-present opportunity to be a little silly. When I was scouting good shooting areas for dad's wedding, I noticed these two large flower pot thingies sitting around and new exactly what I wanted to do with them.

And this is the result. In retrospect, I probably should have told them to smile, since you can still detect a smile in the eyes.


Friday, September 26, 2008

Day 216--Fall Down

I just realized that this is pretty much the seasonal opposite of the picture I took back in...March (?) of the daffodils pushing up through the ground. Interesting.


Day 215--Shine On

I found this little guy in the parking lot at work yesterday. I'm not sure why I felt compelled to take its picture, but it seemed like a fair way to honor its life.

Does that make any kind of sense or is it just me?


Day 214--Face the Nation

I hear there was a clamoring for more author pictures. so here you go.

(last one for awhile, I promise)


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day 213--Capped

Someone was drinking beer at work and didn't offer to share any. That seems kinda rude, if you ask me.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Day 211--Still Growing

Despite my best efforts to kill her, Audrey just keeps going. I've managed to kill 2 leaves, but I've had three new stalks sprout up since I brought her home. Crazy.


Day 210--Top Gun

The Perfectos has a game in Mascoutah, IL yesterday, which just happened to be within spitting distance of Scott Air Force Base. And there was an air show. Many of the planes flew really close to the field. This wasn't one of them, though.


Day 209--It is Balloon!

How have I made it 27 years without going down to the balloon glow? I don't know, but I'm glad I finally made it down. I don't know if this was the best shot, but it probably captures the evening better than any other.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Day 208--Help, I'm in another dimension!

Well, I think it kind of looks like she is. Such is the nature of our auditorium at work--plain white wall, with nothing on it. Handy if you need to cut someone out of the picture, I suppose.

Author is Sandra Brown, by the way.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day 207--Spider!

Eating outside at lunch allows me to hob-nob with the local critters. This little guy seemed very excited about my lunch bag today.


Day 206--"We Fear Change"

Well, I don't, but how often do I get to quote Wayne's World?


Day 205--Hot Wheels

Back in The Day, when I actually played with my Hot Wheels, I would, sometimes, smash them with a hammer to simulate being crushed by a monster truck. I suppose, that while I'm just letting them collect dust, this has to be a better treatment than that.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Day 204--A Real Fungi

Bug's eye point of view.


Day 203--Kitty Protection Services

They've got it covered.


Day 202--Then & Now

My birthday was Friday (27, if you were curious), and I was down at mom's, looking through some old pictures. And it was interesting to see where I was (second grade), and where I am now.

Sigh. I used to be so cute. What happened?


Day 201--Wheels

I don't use these skates nearly as much as I should. Maybe now that cooler weather is upon us I can use them. But there really isn't anywhere real close I can use them without tearing up the wheels.

Eh, we'll work on it.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Day 200--Road Tested

Totally going there for vacation next year.


p.s 200 days? Wow.

Day 199--Frittered Away

I made fritters with some of the apples from Sunday.

Don't worry, they were pretty awful*.


*By which, of course, I mean "made of awesome."

Monday, September 8, 2008

Day 198--Untitled

How odd. I've managed to title every picture in this experiment (save for the first three days) without much trouble, but this one has me stumped...

...wait, maybe that's it! I'm not going to go back and change it, but consider the name of this picture "Stumped."

Get it?

I hadn't planned on being in it, originally. But I was making some really long exposures (30 seconds, I think), so almost out of some reflex, I just walked into the frame and sat down for a bit. I really like the ghosting going on, and this picture drives home a thought I've had, and that is that I am unable to take a "normal" self-portrait these days. Oh well.


p.s. I'm hoping to do a new theme pretty soon, but I need help. I know people visit this site, even if they never leave comments (which is alright). But now, I need you to leave comments, because you all are going to tell me what to shoot. So tell me whatever it is you want (within reason), and I'll shoot it for you.

p.p.s. If no one comments? I'll worry about that if/when I have to.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Day 197--An Apple a Day

Roger and I went to Eckert's today to pick some apples. Good times, good times. You'll notice, if you look hard enough that there is an apple in the frame.

16 lbs of apples for $24 = great deal.


Day 196--For the Birds

They don't seem excited to see me, do they?

I guess they're used to National Geographic or something.


Day 195--Are You Ready for Some Football?

It's not that I didn't get any worthwhile action shots of the game, but I think the lighting of this shot is more interesting than any of those. So there.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day 194--Light Reading

I probably wouldn't have heard of Salman Rushdie if he hadn't written a song for U2. As it turns out, he's a pretty good writer.


Day 193--Head Towards the Light

One of my most epic FAILS is when I actually managed to kill a cactus. Ugh. So I'll be damned if I let Audrey suffer such a fate. She was looking pretty limp lately, and after some research, I deduced that she needed a lot more light than the window was providing. So I went to the hardware store, bought this light, and you can see the rest.

She seems...perkier, so hopefully she'll pull through.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day 192--Time Piece

Got this as a gift for being a groomsman. It needs to go to the shop, but I still like to wear it on occasion.


Day 191--Cracked

Sometimes frustrations get the better of a guy.


Day 190--Cyclone

Seems like an accurate nickname for the guy, eh? I think he's in the process of fair-fouling here, and in Ed's case, probably doing a pretty good job of it.


Day 189--Tin Typing

For about one at-bat, my nickname was Tin Type. That never really stuck. But it was really cool to come across this guy at the Ohio Cup making honest-to-God prints on metal plates.


Day 188--Packing

Packing up for the trip to Ohio and base ball.


Day 187--The

I don't explore the bathroom all that much. Not saying I'm going to, it's just an observation. But who knows!
