Friday, July 25, 2008


Going out of town for a bit. Will update if I can, but don't expect any posts for about a week.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 151--Skin Tight


Though I'm not used to seeing them quite this big.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Day 150--Jazz Hands!

Who would have guessed that when I shot the Missouri Cameo Club at one of our branches last spring that I'd be shooting the same group a year later for the Journal?

Funny how that works out sometimes.


Monday, July 21, 2008

Day 149--Dialed In

So many effects, and so little time!


Day 148--Dave Grohl

The Foo Fighters are awesome. I have nothing more to add to that.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Day 147--Plant? Really?

I saw this at at Lowe's today--a "living rock" according to the sticker. Whatever this is, it grows in Africa, and I've never seen one before. Kinda weird.


Day 146--M & M's

I've always thought that the apostrophe was unnecessary, but I'm not going to question it in this case.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 145--Babaloo

Probably going to be the last of my SRC pictures for this year, and what a way to go out. Babaloo puts on one heck of a show. It's loud, crazy, loud, and features a musical toaster! And this metal bowl, which offers a really neat reflection of the kids in attendance. And, if you look at the big file, a certain photographer who managed to survive an assault of bean bags.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Day 138-144 Playing Catch-Up

And we're back! Life has finally allowed me time to actually sit down and post these things. Since I'm too lazy to give each shot its own post, we'll break from the norm and do one big post. Normal posting returns tomorrow. And now, enjoy a week's worth of pictures. Everything from Milwaukee to my front door is yours to enjoy!

You know how you should keep your gutters clean, lest things start growing in them? Yeah, neither do I.

My favorite part of the drive to Springfiled, IL is this facotry along I-55. Riding passenger finally gave me a chance to take a picture of it. Note the rain on the window!

The Perfectos headed to Milwaukee for a tournament hosted by the Cream Cities. Not many interesting shots of the games themselves, but I really like this shot of one of the CCs sitting in the field between innings.

Wind farm just outside of Rockford, IL. Very cool.

Eh. I was feeling lazy.

New lights in my basement=good times, thanks to the cracker-jack electrical work of mean ol' uncle Mike.

Bad thing: cats with bladder infections.
Good thing: getting a picture of said cat after he comes home with silly shave patterns.


Sunday, July 13, 2008


Howdy friends,

Life has been hectic lately. Lots.


Pictures are still being taken, and will be posted as soon as possible, I promise you. Tomorrow night, maybe?


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day 137--Katydid What?

When I saw that the Zoo had brought insects in plastic containers for their program today, I knew I wanted to get a shot of a kid looking into said container.

And I did!

True, it would be nice if the bug was more in focus, but I'm not gonna complain.


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 136--Banjo Cat

A banjo with a clear head? How weird!

It was cool seeing the truss rod, though.


Monday, July 7, 2008

Day 135--Ego Problem

Is it possible to make a bobble head even more distorted?

Yes. Yes it is.


Day 134--Time Warp

The Perfectos journeyed to Marion, IL last night for a game against the Murphysboro Clarkes. what was interesting was that the game was played at the home field for the Frontier League Southern Illinois Miners. Even weirder is that the field was entirely fake--no grass, and no dirt. The turf was just painted brown where dirt would have been.

True, this picture doesn't show it all that well, but I was amused that Wheels was nice enough to be used as a bit of railing for Cyclone. This is why we like having him on the team.


Day 133--Softball

After playing vintage base ball long enough, watching something like softball is a very weird experience indeed. Even weirder is a softball tournament that starts at 10:00 and runs until the wee hours of the morning.


Friday, July 4, 2008

Day 132--Fireworks

You were expecting something else today?

I haven't done fireworks picture in at least 7 years. I have to say I really like the shots I got.

Also: if you'd like to see some more shots from tonight, simply go here.


Day 131--The Whip Guy

Easily one of the most frustrating shoots I've had in a long time. And it's not the fault of the esteemed Chris Camp, either. Well, not directly. I suppose he can't help the fact that his whips are moving so fast (900 mph!). And it's probably my fault that I picked the darkest branch in the system for this shoot. So despite my best efforts, it was nearly impossible to get a decent shot of the whips in motion.

I do kinda like this one, though. You can just see the flower he whipped out of his hand along the side of the frame.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day 130--Juggling Jeff

When all is said and done, and my personal List of Awesome™ is compiled, there is little doubt in my mind that Juggling Jeff will be very near the top. Easily my favorite performer to see (again and again and again). I mean, I've seen his juggling show about half a dozen times and it just never gets old. Which iis a good thing. Oh and he's a darn nice guy, to boot.

There. Sucking up is over.

On the picture itself--Jeff was kind enough to indulge me after his show today and let me try something I had in mind the past week or so. It's a variation on something I saw a wedding photographer do, and actually, I want to try this at a wedding, only with flowers instead of juggling balls (a lateral move, really).

Allow me to close with something The Brother posted way back in the day:

PARENT: Hey! That guy’s juggling fire!–on a ball!

OTHER PARENT: He’s on a hill, too!


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 129--Mini Golf

I went mini golfing with The Rog tonight. Good times were had, and no windows were broken.
