Monday, March 31, 2008

Day 37--iPod

I don't want to say I couldn't live without my iPod. Obviously I did for a long time. I will say that it's one of the most delightful little pieces of technology I've ever owned. Of course, I regret not getting a slightly larger model, but at least it forces me to keep my play list fresh.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Day 36--Hello Kitty

Teen author Lauren Myracle spoke at HQ today, and she had a Hello Kitty bag. So there you go. I'm a bit under the weather right now, so I have no further exposition to offer. Sorry. Cute bag though, isn't it?


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Day 35--George

I don't remember when Diane decided that George was "my" cat. Shoot, I'm not even sure how old he is. Twelve or thirteen, I imagine. But even when he was at Diane's, and I only saw him a few times a year, we had a real good connection going, or as much as you can have with a cat. He's always been big. He's probably about twice as big as Chip, but he's her opposite personality-wise. Whereas Chip is skittish and hyper, George is laid-back and super-personable. As long as you pet him, and maybe scratch his belly on occasion, he'll love you forever. It's funny when he decides to be active--15 pounds of cat tearing around the house is always good fun.


Friday, March 28, 2008

Day 34--Faith

So this has been on my mind a lot lately, so I decided it might make for an interesting experiment. How does one accurately portray an abstract idea like faith? In the end, I think I settled on this shot because it captures an idea of faith I had--that in the end, we're trusting and believing in something that doesn't always seem to make sense, and can be hard to see, hence the small zone of focus in the image. And despite that sometimes uncertainty, we hold on.

I've been on both ends of the spectrum, and I think I'm on my way to arriving at something better and stronger because of it. Thankfully, God's been pretty patient with me.

This is, of course, one of those things that I'll look back on tomorrow and find about 14 ways I could have said it better.

Programming notes: this is being posted from my new computer. Also, the engine in my last picture wasn't actually my car. Sorry to ruin it for you.


Day 33--Engines are go

This would have been up last night, but I was at a concert and didn't home until late. And I was too tired to deal with this at that point. Frustratingly, I left my camera in my car, so I have no pictures from the show to post (and I would have made it work, too). So here's my back-up.

I know very little, if anything, about cars and how they work. Maybe something to work on? Or maybe I'll leave it to the professionals.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Day 32--DS9

Either my mom has been commenting (hi mom!) or someone I know from grade school stumbled across this blog. As much as I like having mum around, I like idea number two a lot better.

SO tonight was supposed to be a picture from a drum program at work, but none of those turned out very well, so please enjoy a picture of my Deep Space 9 ornament. I think this solidifies me as a total nerd, right?

I didn't watch much DS9. That was always grandpa's show. I'm more of a TNG guy myself. That said, I wish I'd watched more of it when it was first on. I think I might have missed a pretty good show. Oh well.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Day 31--Crossword

I don't remember why or when I started doing crosswords. I think I was still working at JB, so it was probably about 8 years or so ago. I guess I was just looking for something to do on my breaks, and they were there for me. And they've been there ever since. Maybe a little obsessively sometimes, but that's okay. Better than crack! And, I guess, in theory, that my mind stays sharp. I've yet to see any real evidence of that, but try me again in 40 years or so.


Monday, March 24, 2008

Day 30--Barking Up the Wrong Tree

Whoa! Two vertical pictures in a row! Probably some kind of record, I'm sure.

As is often the case around here, I have no idea what kind of tree this is, and am too lazy to go look it up. All's I know is that the bark peels off all the time, and I never get used to it. It just doesn't look right. Maybe it's because the bark is more like paper as opposed to the thick stuff I see on other trees. That's probably it.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day 29--Apples to Apples

Today starts my venture into the world of the alphabet. It'll be interesting to see how this goes over the next 3+ weeks. If today was any indication, it might be a little tricky. I was at mom's for Easter, and was wandering around looking for anything that started with 'A.' And it was darn hard! I fell back on the apples as a bit of a last resort. I certainly like the shot, but I hope I don't have as much trouble as time goes on. But, that's a worry to take one day at a time.

Worth noting is that I don't think I've ever had a Fuji apple before.


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Day 28--Play Ball

Today officially started the season for the St. Louis Perfectos--we had our preseason game against our hometown rivals the Unions. It was lovely weather, I must say--cloudy and in the 40s. Though after last year's match (30s and snow), this was pretty good.

We won both games, so that's a good omen. I had a triple, which is also good. And I got a really nice shot of Rick "Sting" Rea wonderfully executing a fair/foul. Huzzah!


Day 27--Fly Away Home

I hope you all forgive me for not getting this shot up yesterday. I had a busy night and ran out of time.

Anyways, it is, of course, a bird in a tree in my front yard. I'm not sure what kind it is, unfortunately, so I can't tell you much about it. It is nice, however, to get a shot a little different than the stuff I've been posting lately. Not that I dislike any of that, of course, but it's nice to change things up a bit.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Day 26--Snap, Crackle, Pop

We have a large tree outside at work which provides lots and lots and lots of acorns (oak? elm? I can't remember and it embarrasses me). The groundaround it is simply covered with them, and I thought I'd share.

Have you noticed lately that all my posts are close-up shots of pretty ordinary things?



Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Day 25--Ah, you've pressed the 'help' button...

"...'Help' was one of the better songs written by John Lennon for the Beatles. It was also the name of the movie, the second one that came out in colour, after A Hard Day's Night."


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Day 24--Echoes

For you sharp-eyed types, this is pretty much a blatant rip off of Pink Floyd's Meddle album cover, minus the ear. I don't mind, really, since I don't plan on marketing this anytime soon, and Hipgnosis's design is far better than my humble picture.

It's been raining non stop for about a day now, so it seemed fitting to capture it somehow. Rain isn't quite as pretty as snow, but I think if you do it just right it photographs pretty nice. Turns out those ripples are hard to properly capture.


Monday, March 17, 2008

Day 23--Little Balls of Heat

Alright, a few programming notes first:

-my website link has been fixed
-colors, jumping, laughing, and food are all fine ideas, and I think I shall get to them in deux time.
-but I had another idea last night, and I think I'll get to that first, and then move on to the other ideas (but please keep them coming)
-that theme is: alphabet week(s)! starting Sunday, I guess, I'll take a picture a day and run through the alphabet with my subjects. Cool? Cool.

As for today's picture--I had dinner with grandma tonight (hi!), and snapped a picture the Galileo thermometer in her living room. I think I remember the year we got it for grandpa for Christmas. I think they're pretty darn cool, really. I like the way the little temperature balls seem to be floating in mid air. Not intentional, really, but pretty cool.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Day 22--Getting to the Point

These crayons were a Christmas gift, and I've yet to use them. Now, part of it is simply because, well, I forgot I had them*. But the other reason, is, I think, because I love the way new crayons look, and I know that once I start using them, the tips will get worn down, and even with a built-in sharpener, they'll never have that cool beveled look again. So what's a guy to do?

I've noticed over the course of this endeavor that almost everything I've shot is horizontal. I'm not sure if it's just subject matter or a personal preference, but there you go. Maybe I'll make a point to add some vertical stuff.

Lastly, I'm thinking of having a 'theme week' next week. So those of you that visit this bit of web space (and I know you're out there) are welcome to leave some ideas in the comments. If I don't get too many, I might just do them all over the next few weeks. So have at!


*Yes, even with them sitting on my dresser right next to my bed. I'm weird like that.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Day 21--Through the light projected

This is a slight variation on an image I found online--someone took a picture of someone holding a point and shoot camera in front of their eye. I tried that, but then wound up taking a picture of me essentially taking a picture of myself.

I forget how to smile when I take my own picture. I guess it's because I'm busy worrying about camera settings as opposed to looking pleasant.

I hope you all enjoy my bathroom.


Friday, March 14, 2008

Day 20--Stacked

I walk by these books almost every day, and I've often stopped and looked at the rows of books going all the way back. I just finally got around to taking a picture of it this afternoon.

Maybe I should have tried it from the other side?

Alright, I was in a rush and didn't think to walk around to the other side. Some other time, maybe. But not for this blog, of course.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Day 19--Signs of Life

It's been downright pleasant the past few days, and is usually the case, any amount of warm weather makes the daffodils start sprouting. It must not take much for them to get going, since it's only been a couple days. And I think it's supposed to cool off again this weekend, so they'll be gone just like that.

Basically, if there is actually reincarnation, I wouldn't want to come back as a daffodil.

But isn't the contrast of the bright green against the bleakness of everything else pretty cool?


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Day 18--...and the dead keep it

Why on earth would anyone decide that our sorting department needs to be protected by chicken wire? I mean, it's not like the books are going to rise up some day and need to be held back, lest they break out and destroy us all. And the sorters aren't all that rowdy either. So what's the deal?

By the by, the black border isn't something I added, but is the actual door frame. I didn't bother to try and balance the light coming through the window with the ambient light in the room I was in.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 17--Duck!

What can I say. Ducks amuse me and intrigue me.

I went for a bike ride today and found this rather large and imposing specimen preening in the sunset. I'm sure he'd be excited if he knew he was on a photo blog.


Monday, March 10, 2008

Day 16--Time is What I Make It

According to this clock, it's always 3:55. Is it a.m. or p.m.? Who knows! The only reason I don't keep the clock running is that it needs some repairs--for some reason it slows after awhile, and eventually stops. So it got to me more trouble than it was worth, so I just let it stop until I actually get it fixed. And that will be....well, some day. For now, it just makes for a cool decoration. And it's fun to confuse people!


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Day 15--Macro Kitty

I hadn't planned on doing another shot of a cat, let alone Chip again, but George was busy sleeping. I wanted to use my macro lens, since I opted not to use one of the macro shots from the Botanical Gardens. So I found Chip staring at something out the window, and took this shot. I quite like it. A little different than the way I usually shoot the cats. I promise to either use another cat or no cats whatsoever tomorrow.


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Day14--Things Are Looking Up

I think this is probably directly influenced by the time I've spent at icanhascheezburger the past few days. Not often am I directly inspired to go shoot something, but with the subject matter so close at hand, it was pretty easy this time.

I think I probably tend to give Chip the short end of the straw when taking pictures of the cats, though that might be because she doesn't sit still for too long. But I managed to catch her this morning staring up at something on the wall. Or maybe it was the ceiling. Hard to tell for sure, but she was transfixed long enough for me to do my thing.

She really is quite pretty, I think. And she does a good job of playing up the 'cute' thing to keep me from getting too mad at her. I suspect she knows how to work me over pretty well by now.


Day 13--Climatron

I went to the Botanical Gardens with Anne and her brother to check out the orchid show. It was pretty cool, and I had a shot I really liked. I had another shot from the climatron of a bird I really liked. So if anyone asks, the hard choice between the three is why I'm late getting this post up. It has nothing to do with flat-out forgetting until 15 minutes ago.


So there was something about this that stood out just a little more than the other two. Something about the leaves reaching majestically towards the roof, and the curvature of the building itself. The slightly blown-out sky is a nice touch, too.

I'll be back on time tomorrow, or today, or whatever, unless the time change throws me off.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Day 12--The World Needs Heroes

So I highly doubt guitar heroes will save the world, but that's as may be. Another work program. We're trying to attract the teenage types nowadays, and I think a night featuring GH, DDR, and the Wii is a good way of at least getting them in the building. Now getting them to check out books and stuff is another story. I don't know if they come just for the program and then leave, or not.

But I suppose that's for another blog, since this is a picture blog, after all.

For those of you in the know, this is, of course, the classic "star power" pose. What's nice about these new games is that they make for more interesting pictures. Interactiveness, it seems, ain't all bad.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Day 11-Assassins

So the Brother needed me to come take some shots of his lighting for a production of Assassins which opens this weekend at the Ivory Theatre. Um, you should probably go see it, since it's pretty good (and the show's pretty good, too).

This is from a scene towards the end, when Lee Harvey Oswald is shooting at JFK.

I don't know much about the show, so I can't say much. I will say that it's very well lit. And darkly funny. There were a number of promo photos out in the lobby done by a professional theatre type. They were really good. And featured a fish-eye lens.

It almost makes me consider seeing if anyone in town would need an assistant for such things. Hmm.


p.s. The Brother would like you to visit his site(s).

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Day 10--Snow Day

Much to my surprise, the weather-folk called it right: we got all sorts of snow around here today. Probably around 8-10 inches. True, it took me 90 minutes to get home, but I got off early, so it meant I had plenty of time to clear the driveway and then get out for some pictures.

I was out taking "arsty" pictures, when I realized that snow around here means one thing" sledders at Killer Hill. So I hopped in the car, and sure enough, there was plenty to shoot at the hill.

It was a tough call between this and another arty shot, but I think this captures more feeling than the other shot. Surely, for youngster, a day off school and the thrill of boarding down a hill and getting some air is hard to top. I had another shot where he has more air, but you can't see as much of his face, and I think that really sells this one.

So the snow was nice, in its way, but I think I'm ready for spring now. Hopefully this was winter's last huzzah for awhile.

By the by, commenting should be open to anyone, no gmail account needed. You know, if you feel like saying anything.


Monday, March 3, 2008

Day 9--An axe to grind

Sometimes musician. I've been playing guitar for almost 10 years, and have written close to 50 songs, and yet I don't really consider myself a musician. I guess it's because I don't do it for a living. But it is fun, and very satisfying, especially after a few weeks of song writing pays off with something I'm proud of.

And, really, when it comes to photography, I don't think any instrument has the appeal of a guitar. Guitar players as well.

This is my acoustic, which I bought about a year ago. It desperately needs new strings, but still has a good sound.

I'm in the mood to write, but have suffered from an injured finger the past few days. It's nearly healed, so writing should commence soon.

Winter storm tomorrow, maybe, which might make for good pictures. We'll see!


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Day 8--Self Portrait

I'm not sure why, but I really enjoy reflections in curved surfaces. Lamps, convex (I think) mirrors, and anything else that reflects and distorts is right up my alley. So I was excited to catch myself in this lamp hood today. It's always a little tricky to position the camera just right so it doesn't block my face. As these things go, I kinda like it. It'll be interesting to see how I use the fish-eye lens when I get that in a month or two.


p.s. Alton Brown appears as himself.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Day 7--For the Glory of the Game

Today, for me, was the official start of the baseball season. Or, more accurately, the base ball season. Yep, vintage base ball is back, and I'm very excited to get back out there and start playing games again.

It was nice enough today to have a practice after our meeting, so I got some shots in before we started. Pictured is 'On the Fly.' His real name escapes me at the moment. But that's as may be. I like the pose and the look on his face. The baseball flying in the air behind him is a nice touch as well.

Expect more pictures from games once the season gets going in earnest.
