Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Day 311--Criss/Cross

How many of you have that song in your head now, hmm?


Day 310--Cat in Repose

It takes about an hour of solar charging for George to soak up enough energy to sleep all day. Hard work, being a cat.


Day 309--A Saucerful of Secrets

I got these whatever-they-ares from mom, and there was no way I could avoid using them in a pictures.

Please enjoy the hugeness of my hand.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Day 308--Hygeine

Nothing but the best nail clippers around here.


Day 307--It Goes Where?

George at his favorite place on earth--the vet.

(note: no thermometers were administered.)


Day 306--Merry Christmas

Can also be spelled "Nowell" to no ill effect. Who knew?


Day 305--Christmas Eve

I forgot to see if these bells were of the jingle variety. Oops.


Day 304--Who Was That Strange Blue Creature?

"That my kind of fellow!"


Monday, December 22, 2008

Day 303--Wrap Up

I like wrapping gifts, though I'm not really good at it.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Day 302--A Man and His Dragon

It's nice to see someone put a little bit of effort into their light displays. Most of them are so tacky anymore. So kudos to Mr. Brackman here, for his homemade display and for having a cool last name.

What the picture does not show is that it was about Butt Cold Degrees outside. Five minutes and my fingers were gone. Or darn close to it.


Day 301--Orbs

Christmas lights of a different variety--completely out of focus.


Day 300--Grassy Knoll

Yay contrast.


Day 299--Plant

I don't remember what this thing is called, sadly. It's sitting on my desk at work, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to give this thing a proper title. But I love the way the bud points down, only to have the petals grow upwards. It's a weird effect.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Day 297--Take A Breath

All I really wanted was a shot of the snowflakes this morning. What I wound up with was far cooler.


Monday, December 15, 2008

Day 296--Not Responsible For Damage to Your Car

So I know what it's supposed to be, but doesn't it look like some demented Pac-Man after awhile? Or someone with a really weird hair-do?

Or maybe it's just me.


Day 295--Oh? Christmas Tree? Part 7

Now, I know some of you (mom) were hoping for a picture of The Boot to close this out, but, alas, every picture of it turned out pretty awful. And I wasn't in the mood to go fussing around with things, so I went with this guy as a back-up. And, truth be told, I think it turned out just fine.

Maybe we'll see the boot before all is said and done...


Day 294--Oh? Christmas Tree? Part 6

Good ol' Charlie Brown.

Apart from the Star Trek ornaments, the short-lived Peanuts series was the only other group I've ever collected.


Friday, December 12, 2008

Day 293--Oh? Christmas Tree? Part 5

Easily one of the oldest ornaments I have. I can't remember, though, if it was grandma's or oma's. Any help out there?


Day 292--Oh? Christmas Tree? Part 4

I honestly think that fish-eye lenses were made for shooting ornaments. I love the way the whole background drops out, making the ship really look like it's flying around in there.

It's the Rio Grande, from DS9, for those curious.

And yes, this was all exceptionally nerdy. Too bad.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Day 291--Oh? Christmas Tree? Part 3

I think all of my major interests are represented via ornaments. Nice, really.


Day 290--Oh? Christmas Tree? Part 2

I have enough Star Trek ornaments to do two weeks worth of pictures. I'll try to contain myself, though.


Day 289--Oh? Christmas Tree? Part 1

Far be it from me to not spend a week showing off the myriad ornaments populating my Christmas tree. Starting a day late because of engagement pictures.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Day 288--Engage(d)

Questions abound:

-why did I have them put their hands on the ornament?
-why include the ornament at all?
-was it simply to get my reflection in their engagement picture?


Day 287--Light it Up

Fish-eye + Christmas tree = good times


Day 286--The Jed Clampet of the New Millenium

Mr. Bela Fleck


Day 285--Stay Frosty

Cold morning.


Day 284--Roll Out

They make tubs of books easier to move, and make traversing the garage more interesting for me sometimes.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Day 283--See How They Run

It's my belief that theater would be 27x better if every play featured people leaping.


Day 282--Kitty Has Reached Critical Mass

This scene lit by Christmas lights. Awwwwwwwwwwwww.


Day 281--First Snow

Not much, but it was still pretty cool.


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Day 280--Blue Heron

Back in August, I made a visit to MoBot and took some pictures. The picture I posted for that day was a shot of water getting all artsy because of my neutral density filter. But I also had a bunch of pictures of a heron that I really wanted to use. For whatever reason, the water won out.

So I was excited to happen across this (larger) specimen at Suson Park today. Actually, I think Sara saw him first (I think I named him, but can't remember what it was). Anyways, I'm glad I get to post this one.

I think I interrupted his hunting with all my goings-on. Oh well.


Day 279--Ornamental

Justine soaks in the irony that her colorblind boyfriend collects Crayola ornaments.

Maybe she wasn't, I don't know.

And yes, the picture is kindasorta posed, but too bad. I like it.


Day 278--Turkey Day

I can never eat all that much on Thanksgiving. Not sure why. Too bad, since the turkey was extra-tasty this year.

(and yes, I did make it. but that's as may be)


Day 277--Building Blocks

Quiet? No.

Fun? You bet.

Expensive? YES.


Day 276--Burninating the Countryside

I believe this handsome devil was a Christmas present from mom many moons ago. I've always liked him.

But why haven't I named him?


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Day 275--La Grapadura

Make sure it's in all the way.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day 274--Trapped Under Ice

It's been cold enough for ice to form lately, but I was still surprised to see this when I was out hiking today.


Day 273--Find Your Thrill

Pretty good timing, really. I also like the guy walking under the sign. Nice touch.


Day 272--Collect Them All

Man, I used to buy these all the time. And I can't really say why. Well, I suppose part of the draw was hoping you'd open the one pack that had some rare card worth about $200 or something like that. Of course, if I had, I doubt I would have sold it. Part of the excitement was just knowing that you had something worth a lot of dollars. Of course, something worth $200 7-10 years ago might only be worth $5 now. It's a weird hobby.

Nowadays I occasionally buy some to see what the designs are like and to check out the photography. In this case, both seem pretty ho-hum. It was a basic set, I admit, but still.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Day 271--Bean Crock

"Beans, beans, the magic fruit. The more you eat, the more you--"
"Alright that's enough of that."


Day 270--Dial It Up

Not my kilowatt hours, if you were wondering.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day 269--Steven Watts

"Why yes, I do look like Steven Spielberg, don't I? By the way--have you read my new biography on Hugh Hefner?"


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Day 268--Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too

Come to the library and learn how to decorate a cake? Seems like a good deal to me.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Day 267--Frolic

I let the cats out for a little while today. Chip made the most of it, when she wasn't busy being spooked.


Day 266--Signs of the Times 7

Considering all these pictures were road signs, this was, oddly enough, the only picture I took from my car.

Though I guess driving takes precedence over picture-taking, eh?


Friday, November 14, 2008

Day 265--Signs of the Times 6

Rain and clouds. That's more like it.

I've taken a very similar version of this picture before on Highway 79 somewhere between Hannibal and St. Peters. I like that one better, but this is a nice variation on it.


Day 264--Signs of the Times 5

I like this picture fine, but the most exciting part of it (to me) is the special guest appearance of the sun in this picture. It's been a long while since we've seen it around these parts.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day 263--Signs of the Times 4

Probably my favorite kind of sign, though I'm not really sure why.


Day 262--Signs of the Times 3

This sign sits extremely close to my house. Like, if you park in front of my house, it's in plain sight. And yet I can't count how many times I've had to point it out to people after they've parked in the street on my side. It amuses me.
